【VRC ギミック】 Penetration Contact System v1.9 (Avatar Sound System for your ERP!) #PCS
- ダウンロード商品Personal Use¥ 1,000
- ダウンロード商品Boost (same contents + free music)¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品Commercial Use (require for paid contents or avatar sales)¥ 4,400
- ダウンロード商品Upgrade to Commercial (to get a commercial key if you already own a personal version)¥ 3,400
* Please choose "Replace" option to update the prefab if you want to update PCS | プレハブを更新してPCSをアップデートしたい場合は、「置き換え」オプションを選択してください。 * If you want to create an add-on product for PCS, please join my Discord for guides | PCSのアドオン製品を作成したい方は、ガイドのために私のDiscordに参加してください。 User Manual マニュアル: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1br6pOHx9P6T52AO1eKCw3VrfSUGKJOS_NA_MIwUNjWY You can check all changelog here. Please join my discord for FAQ / Guide / Helps | FAQ・ガイド・サポートのために、ぜひ私のDiscordに参加してください。.
📋 About This Product
Launch Date: August 13, 2023 • Penetration sound effect and motion detection add-on for VRChat avatar. • Supports SPS plug and is compatible with all avatars. Preview (v1.7): https://x.com/dismay_vrc/status/1804348593056419857 Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/NEjAyv2Sn9
✨ Features
🔊 Sound Effect Randomization More than 90+ sound effects are available with 3 quality voice packs from OpenNSFW! 🍆 Motion Detection PCS can detect up to 5 different movements from the penetrating stroke, and you can use them on your own FX controller! 📍 Custom Position You can mount PCS to anywhere you want to make it sounds, like a cocktail shaker, up to 8 locations. 🫴 Self-Service Mode An easy-to-use mode that lets you create sounds based on your own movements! (No penetrator required) 💓 Lust Feature Allows you to gain and stack lust points from each penetrating stroke. This causes moaning and makes your avatar squirt when it's full. 😩 Satisfaction Event (Voices) This feature lets your avatar moan from being smashed through stage events.
⚙️ Installation インストール
Requirement • Avatar SDK 3.7.6 or newer. • Newest Modular Avatar (or VRCFury). • Gesture Manager for Unity testing. How to Setup 1. Install "Modular Avatar" or "VRCFury" on your project first, the choice is yours. 2. Import PCS UnityPackage to your project. (If you want to update, please delete the previous version folder first**) 3. Open PCS Setup Tool. Located at the top menu "Tools/Dismay Custom/Penetration Contact System". 4. Set various settings as you like and press Apply. v1.7 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3ZG3k0xUOU&list=PLEvAOTfSR8u2fdM_HnFtkXuaqvAEp2WtS v1.8++ Image: Is included in PCS package. v1.9++ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUzPLE3NfAk
📙 Terms of Use
By using this digital product “Penetration Contact System”, you must agree to the terms of use, otherwise, you will be considered to have violated the agreement. You can always contact me on the Discord server. What you can do with PCS • ✔ Use PCS in virtual sex activities to create sounds for better immersion. • ✔ Use PCS detection value on your own VRC FX animator controller. • ✔ Customize prefab, sound effects, and system functions to suit your preferences, except for the setup tool, you can’t modify the script. What you can’t do with PCS • ✘ Re-distribute, resell, or leak this digital product on any website (this "digital product" means all data files included inside the UnityPackage). • ✘ Use of audio (voices and sound pack) outside of VRChat environment. The audio files contained in this package are provided exclusively for PCS. Please buy them separately from the original creator instead. Note for content creators or streamers * • You can use Personal Version of PCS on your promoted videos, except for your subscription or paid content that require Commercial Version. • You can use #dmcustom or #pcs to help me spread the word about PCS. Note for avatar sellers or avatar commissioners * • You must exclude the PCS script folder from your exported avatar package to prevent re-distribution.
❓FAQ & Helps
Q: Why there is no sounds when test inside Unity? A: Please make sure your scene has a Camera that close to your avatar. Q: Why DPS penetrator won't trigger the sounds? A: Because DPS has no contact sender to make contact with PCS. You can just use an SPS plug. Q: Can I make sound from any objects like a stick? A: Yes, just add a Contact Sender with Collision Tag "PCS_Penetrating" (no "), and move it to the head of your object. Q: Why world objects can't trigger the sounds? A: World object doesn't support contact system to contact with avatar. Q: Why PCS has Missing Script? A: Please make sure you select the right installer between Modular and VRCFury in the setup tool option. * More FAQ and Helps on my Discord Server!
💳 Credits
• SFX by Kuchiko: https://kuchiko.itch.io/bdsmsfx Voice Packs by OpenNSFW (https://opennsfw.carrd.co/) • Voice Actress 1: Misuzugon https://x.com/Misuzugon • Voice Actress 2: LewdHeart https://x.com/lheartvoiceover • Voice Actress 2: NekoNyan https://x.com/NekoNyan_VA Older Version (<1.8) • Anime Voice Pack by Rの消失 circle: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01069632.html • Mature Voice Pack and Sound Effect by Joel Loopez: https://zoidberg-es.itch.io/sex-sounds-bundle
📝 Behind The Creation
TL;DR In this note, I will share the story behind the PCS. The story began in the middle of 2023, during a time when I still didn’t own a VR headset. As a non-VR user, I felt quite bored and wanted to add more exciting features to my avatar. With that desire in mind, coupled with the recent update of the Avatar Dynamic system that allowed avatars to interact physically, the idea struck me immediately. I decided to start planning the creation of the PCS system, which would generate sounds based on physical interactions (Of course, in NSFW way). At first, I just wanted it to be a simple system that produced sound when something touched, like a slap. However, because I wanted it to be something special, I realized that I needed to make it capable of detecting various types of interactions, and I want it to be like H-Game vibe. So, I began experimenting and learning from trial and error until I created a prototype that could be developed further and shared.